Tuesday, February 10, 2009

FM35-3rd Annual Valentines Day Show

We have the answers to the questions that single women asked our panel of Christian single brothers. Listen now...

• Will you still marry me if we have premarital sex?
• With all the beautiful saved women around, why are you still single?
• Why do men look at other women when we are together?

• Why do men hide their true feelings from women?

Contact us if you have any questions, topics, comments for the show call us anonymously or put “your stuff on blast” at (404)567-5752

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Finding Morris is also brought to you by TellOurLoveStory.com What these guys do is great. They create a custom made videos of you and your love in the style of E! true hollywood story. Imagine having a video like this for your wedding, your graduation, your family reunion. Visit TellOurLoveStory.com today and tell them that you you heard about them on FindingMorris.com for a 25% discount.
Our Praying Music :-) is from Lionel Jones
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If you give it up he leaves because your unfaithful, if you hold out he leaves cause your a prude. Is this the norm in today's dating culture?